STEFAN BANZ – ANGELS OF THE CHAMP (Les Anges du champion, Die Engel des Meisters)
The whole series consist of 100 « Angels » (on 93 canvases). 95 important personalities who, over the last hundred years, have contributed significantly to securing Duchamp’s place of honor in 20th and 21st century art, and five canvases of Duchamp’s most significant subjects. But Banz is not primarily celebrating Marcel Duchamp, but rather takes a surprising and colorful look at this eternally incomplete, comprehensive entity and at the always subjective mechanisms of art as an operating system. And because he does this with vast knowledge, irrepressible joy, and a penchant for mischievousness, this portrait series becomes a unique exhibition experience, both cerebral and retinal.
Note: The exhibition at DIENSTGEBÄUDE, Art Space, Zurich, from May 17 to June 30, 2019 (see images below) shows 92 portraits on 85 canvases.